About Kaia

Formed through the merger of the Klaytn and Finschia blockchains initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively, Kaia brings Web3 to the fingertips of hundreds of millions across Asia.

Key aspects of Kaia Blockchain:

  • Blazing Fast - Kaia has the lowest transaction latency amongst leading EVM L1s with 1-second block time and immediate finality, enabling snappy user experiences and opening possibilities for use cases that require near-real-time responsiveness.

  • Seamless - Support for account abstraction, gas fee delegation, and integration with the LINE and Kakaotalk messenger apps massively simplifies the user onboarding and usage experience, and gives Kaia builders instant access to over 250 million users.

  • Interoperable - EVM equivalence, planned support for CosmWasm, and integration with industry leading cross-chain bridges gives developers unparalleled flexibility and users a borderless ecosystem that embraces all of Web3.

More information about Kaia can be found in the official website.

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